Friday, May 18, 2007

No Tie, But Plenty Of Wrinkles

On location in New Orleans, Brian was sans cravate ce soir. Sadly, he was also sans la mode. (No, not "without ice cream." The phrase, for all non-French speakers means "without fashion.") For BW was sporting what was so very obviously a shirt newly liberated from its packaging. The crease marks were clearly fold lines, and not from a suitcase, either. Even my husband said, "That shirt looks like it just came out of the wrapper!" And it wasn't even a casual shirt made to wear without a tie; no, this shirt was a dressy shirt with the roundpoint collar to prove it. It was light blue, but not a rugged chambray or denim in keeping with the outdoorsy get-down-to-work, get-NOLA-back-on-its-feet theme of the broadcast lead. No way did BW forget to pack a decent shirt and, even if he did, do you mean to tell me that there's no service in the hotel or on the NBC staff to press a shirt? Or that BW can't wield a steam iron? I find that hard to believe. Methinks there is trouble.