Thursday, June 7, 2012

In Which We Lament And Summarise And Query On Behalf Of You, Dear Readers

*The Report--in a departure from Normal Business--takes un moment to discuss several of this week's cravats en masse.

Brian Williams took a week off, and it was the Fervent Hope of The Report that, perhaps, it would renew his commitment to Fashion In General, and to Cravats In Particular.  Alas, this would prove not to be the case.  In rapid succession, BriWi mired us in the Slough Of Sartorial Despair with a quick return to: on Tuesday 5 June, the oft-worn (and most recently seen 24 April) navy and white striped tie; on Wednesday 6 June the blaring blue and screaming yellow wide striper seen on 25 May; finally, tonight, yet another airing of the purple tie with teensy white dots, seen...oh, pretty much all Spring (5/22, 5/7...) sigh.  All of which leads me to one question, and I must ask it:  Where is that glorious pink tie?