Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Destiny Averted
Oh, Brian Williams. How I wish this tie would have a Terrible Accident. I feel like it's just not Your Style. Those bright blue and white micro-checks, little medallions of pink blobby thingamajigs...I've developed such antipathy toward it. This fabric is not Brian Williams Tie Worthy. Its destiny was to be a tablecloth in a homestyle food diner called The Robin. Or perhaps it was to be little café curtains in a place that serves Southern Style Comfort Food Like Mama Used To Make. Maybe it was supposed to be a frilly bib-apron uniform in a chain restaurant that has franchises all over the country's toll roads. A countrified place where the food is stick-to-your-ribs fare, and the waitresses all call you "hon." That is what this tie was meant to be, not an accoutrement around the neck of America's Most Trusted News Source.